“Sarah And Chuck”
This is a personal project and 3D illustration that my partner, Eric Cunha, and I made for our newly wed buddies: Sarah And Chuck! It started with a design that I deemed super boring and plain, so I tried to go a bit more graphic and funky. Alas, I over corrected and ended up with a couple ginger bread characters that felt more insulting to my buddies instead of charming. So with one last attempt, I landed on a design that I felt was cute for the couple, but still fun and not boring to me! After modeling, I used Eric’s clay shader, and after lighting and compositing, Eric had the idea to surround them in purple confetti and WAH LAH!
Sometimes making presents for friends is the easiest way for me to make artwork outside of work. And their reaction is always worth the time and love put into it <3
The majority of the 3D process was streamed live on my twitch account (twitch.tv/lizziebutt_poo).